Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Days 6 & 7


It looks like Booboo was out rallying for votes yesterday so if you know someone who hasn't voted for Elly yet please ask them!

Yesterday, I called the pharmacy that we were going to use the first time we placed a medication order for our shots to see if we could still use them with our insurance coverage. Turns out, we can. I also found out that we can use our Health Savings Account to pay the deductible so we won't have to pay anything out of pocket. What a blessing.

Funny how we went from paying thousands of dollars to paying nothing. Coincidence or Godincidence?

I only have 10 more days until I start my shots. This weekend I'll be working on my little "plan" regarding my shots. I've figured out a way to make them more interesting. Maybe I'll give you a sneak peek...

Thank you to everyone who voted for Elly! She is currently in the lead but I will have to keep a close watch in case Barney tries to rally for votes at the last minute. We'll see on Friday;)

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