Tuesday, May 19, 2009

9 weeks

Today I am officially 9 weeks along. Also today, we are officially having twins!

We had our last ultrasound at the clinic today and we were released by our doctor with a "perfect" report. I am glad to be released with a good report,but I will be so sad not to be dealing with the clinic anymore. They have be SOOOO good to us and I wish they could be with us during this whole experience. The clinic hosts a baby reunion every other year with one coming up this October. I was invited to come even though I may be "too big" to bear it according to my doctor..ha! We might have to wait until 2011.

I have my first official OB appointment tomorrow. I'm not sure of everything that will go on but I hope to get some specific details, like a due date.

Thank you everyone for praying with us these past couple week while we were waiting for this ultrasound. Our prayers worked!

I'll give another update after tomorrow.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congrats to you both, i cannot believe it, twins!!! what a miracle. hope to get together soon. we miss you. love leslie and michael