I have felt so blessed that I've been able to share our story with so many people. It's amazing the amount of support and camaraderie that we've built with people from this experience. It's also amazing the amount of healing and prayer that we have received.
I think that there is a defining moment in all our lives that creates "Our Story". If someone would had asked me a year ago what "My Story" was, I would had said:
My husband and I lost a baby four years ago and we have been trying ever since to start a family. I struggle with infertility and self confidence. My story is one of loss, insecurity, faith and impatience.
And then came August 20th. And my story is forever changed.
So this is the deal. I want to know "Your Story". I want for everyone who reads this post to leave an ANONYMOUS comment and tell me "Your Story". No names means no indication to who it might be. There are people who read this that I don't know personally and I want everyone to have complete confidentiality so, if there are no names, I can 100% say I have no idea whose story belongs to who.
Your story might be happy or sad. It might be recent or old. It might even be the same as mine. Regardless, it's Yours and it matters.
I want to do this because I know what it means to share something with someone who, turns out, has been there too.
I want to do this because it has helped me heal to be able to share and I would love to pray for others who may need it as much as I do.
I want to do this because some stories have happy endings and some are so awesome that they need to be told.
Most importantly, I lived in a bubble for a long time and didn't realize how many different things people go through on a daily basis. After my babies died, I would be out somewhere in public and someone would be so rude or inconsiderate and I would think to myself, "They have no idea I just buried my babies". Now when I feel the urge to judge or be impatient with someone I have to tell myself "They could have just buried their babies too".
Obviously, there's no need for me to have anonymity so I'll go first:
I lost a baby five years ago and have been struggling with infertility and trying to start a family ever since. Steve and I went through the invitro process last year and were blessed with Lila & Cole. And at 22 weeks, on August 20, 2009, we lost them. My story is one of loss, joy, hope,faith and healing. My story is that God is doing a work in me and I hope to share this for His Glory.
So now you tell me, What's Your Story?
I lost my baby ten years ago, and have received much comfort by reliving the experience through your words. Thank you for sharing. I've since had two more kids, a girl and a boy, and they are my life's joys. The hurt from my first loss has eased over the years, but I will always wonder what could have been. May God bless you as I have been blessed.
Thank you so much for sharing that! I feel like I've received comfort from other peoples stories as well and I love to hear where people have been and how far they've come. That gives us all hope.
We lost our grandson 5 years ago this June. Like you, we got to hold him in our arms for a very brief, very precious few minutes before he went to be with God. Although time is passing, and we now have a beautiful granddaughter we will never forget him. Thank you for sharing your story with us all. Your words have inspired us and helped us to heal.
Thank you!
I'm so glad you got to hold your grandson. One of the best things for me was getting to hold Lila & Cole. I thank God often that he allowed that to happen. In a day of disaster, that was the silver lining.
I can't tell you how much I appreciated your posts this morning - I found your blog on Kelly's Korner, and have been so thankful that I did.
I had an ectopic pregnancy in the summer of 2007 and have just recently had a miscarriage at 7 weeks in January of this year. It is something heart-breaking that I can not understand. But, I find some little bit of comfort in knowing that God will allow us to have children one day when He thinks the time is right! Until then, we will wait and know that we have been blessed regardless! Thanks again!
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