I'm so glad that we started this blog. It has blessed us so much and this year would had been insufficient without it. We've had the opportunity to document our lives with our twins and we've had the incredible support of so many people because of it.
I'm happy to be in a place where I wish to continue blogging. We started this to form a line of communication for family and friends but looking back, I think it ended up benefiting me more than anything. This is a place where I can be myself and sort out my feelings, all the while letting everyone else in on what's going on. Not to mention that I have Lila & Cole's lifetime of memories right on these pages and that in itself is Priceless.
I want to address everyone who complements my writing. That is hilarious to me that anyone would think I'm a good writer! I feel so un-eloquent with my words sometimes, but I'm learning. I also feel like I have such a hard time forming my thoughts into words during a conversation but, I guess when I can sit down for an hour and really think about what I want to say, it comes out a little smoother. Either way, that is a huge complement to me and something I had never considered as a strength in myself, so....Thank You Very Much!
I just finished reading "The Shack". I want to recommend this book to anyone who has ever lost someone they loved. The basis of the book is about a man whose daughter was murdered and he has a conversation with God about why it happened. I had always known that God didn't cause bad things to happen. I guess I just thought that He didn't necessarily prevent them either. This book sort of clarified that for me. Within the whole book, it was two paragraphs that really hit me. Hard. God tells this man that He didn't need his daughter to die to fulfill his purpose. He could do that regardless. Because He is God. What He does do, is find a way to be glorified in the tragedy. He also tells this man that his daughter was his joy. And that was purpose enough for her.
I have struggled so much with having to validate Lila & Cole's lives. I felt like I had to do that for them because they couldn't do it for themselves. But they are our joy. And maybe that was purpose enough for them. Maybe to validate their lives is to make their mommy & daddy feel better. And maybe that's ok too.
All things work together for good to those who love the Lord...Romans 8:28
I love you!!!!
I'm glad you found some comfort in "The Shack". So did I. While the circumstances of the losses were different, the message was the same, and it helped me come to some degree of acceptance. Love you, Sarie.
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