We were greeted with beautiful weather and a great turnout. The walk has really grown since I participated the year before last. They had a much larger group of walkers and so many activities for everyone.

And now I can finally reveal our tshirt design......

We didn't come in first but I believe we were a very close second. The winner was a toddler who scribbled on a shirt and, well, you really can't beat that. But we got a great response from other people at the walk so I think we did a great job!

I was so proud to be a part of this and so amazed at the support we received from our family, friends and people we don't even know.

Our grand total of donations ended up at $1670.00!!! If we add that to the total from the virtual band that was set up on this blog for the March of Dimes right after Lila & Cole were born then altogether we've raised $1995.00 (only $5 away from our goal of $2000!!!)

I just can't say enough how important this cause is for us. We truly do hope that one day all babies will born full term and healthy and we are proud that our children are a part of making that happen.
And now,

so are all of you.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey. You did great!
Dear Sara & Steve,
Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers always. And please know that I love you very much.
Aunt Lorie
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