This week we are avocados:)
It's so funny to find these different websites that tell you how big the babies should be each week. One week I found something that said the babies are the size of a can of red bull.
I've been wondering about Elly lately and how she is going to act when our household officially doubles. Right now while I'm writing this post, she is jealous of the laptop. She hates when I have the computer in my lap and she tries to lay right on top of it. Then she'll lay her head on my hand so I can't type. If that's not an indication of the future, then I don't know what is. She has been extra clingy to me lately. She likes to snuggle with me real close at night and she always wants to lay right by my stomach. Sometimes she stares at my belly and I think she knows something is in there.
I feel like I've been given a break this past week. I haven't had anything bother me too much. I'll be distracted all this week getting ready for our vacation. This will be our last trip as a family of two and I feel like we are having to pack up so much stuff! I guess that's just getting me prepared for pretty much every time we'll have to leave the house with 2 babies:)
I won't be able to post next week as I will be technology free where we are going (I don't even get cell phone service). I have a doctors appointment scheduled for the week we come back and she will then let me know when we can find out the sex of the twins. It should be within the next few weeks. I have posted a survey on the side of the blog for you to vote what you think the twins will be. It will neat to find out if the majority votes are correct. So please participate as we anxiously await the news!
So have you two decided on any names yet?
You look SO DARN CUTE!!!! That is one of the most adorable "baby bellies" i have ever seen! Take lots of pictures....i wish i had more, from when i was still "cute pregnant" with McKenna
Love, lauren
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