So back to reality....when we got back Sara unfortunately had to work almost every night due to Homearama. Tonight was her last night and now it's time for some R&R. During week 18 we had another doctors appointment where we hope to know the gender of the babies but the doctor said it was too early to tell. Try telling that to Sara who pleaded with the doctor to perform another ultrasound to check on her ovaries, cough cough babies. The doctor agreed. So along with both of our mom's we packed into the ultrasound room to hopefully get some answers. We were fortunate to get the worlds greatest ultrasound tech and she was able to identify one of our babies and gave us about an 80% guarantee on the other. The results will be know soon by our level 2 ultrasound here in the near future but for those of you who voted it appears the majority may be right. Only time will tell.....