Hello Everyone, Sara has been busy this week with work and other things so I offered to give everyone an update on her behalf. On Tuesday we had a doctors appointment and everything went well. We were able to hear the heartbeats again and were able to address some questions/concerns with the doctor. One question we had was about Sara's (future) weight gain and what the doctor thought was reasonable. The good news is Sara hasn't gained any weight since her last appointment, the bad news is the doc said it was alright for Sara to have a few Dairy Queen Blizzards a week. I thought to myself, "Holy moly, did she really just tell my pregnant wife that it was OK to eat a few Blizzards a week? Does she not realize that my wife has "Lannan" genes and apparently this gene already makes them crave ice cream, and she is approving the eating of more ice cream. Is she crazy!!!!".
(Apologies if I offended any Lannan women reading this blog) Anyways the doctor said normally for a healthy twin pregnancy the mother should add about 30-35lbs. So that is what were are shooting for (hopefully just not in one week, especially with all these blizzards she prescribed).
But in all seriousness we were able to talk the doctor into letting us get an ultrasound so we can see if Sara's ovaries were still swollen. In reality we really just wanted to see our babies again. It worked!! Once again the good news is our babies have formed their little bodies and we could easily identify their head, nose, arms, and legs. Wow, it's amazing how fast they have transformed. The bad news is Sara's ovaries are still swollen and they are about the same size of the babies. So it's like Sara is carrying four babies right now, which is why she has a nice baby bump.
Here are some pictures of our babies (aka baby A and baby B).
Baby A:

Baby B:

So all in all it was a great doctors appointment. Sara is doing perfect and so are the little kiddos. What more could a husband and soon to be father ask for. I'm a lucky man!
One last thing, I'd like to say Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there (especially my Dad and Jim)
Till next time,
All I can say is, it must be nice, I have yet to leave the doctor and her tell me I should go have a blizzard. Cute babies!
I am so happy that everything is going good. I still have you guys in my prayers.
- Deanna
How can us Lannan women be offended when we know that our drug of choice is "ice cream" A few blizzard's never hurt anyone. Now that you mentioned it I think I'll take Rebecca tomorrow and we'll a one or two. Glad to hear everything is going so well. I knew it would. Enjoy the next few months before the hard work begins. 3:00 am feedings!!
Love Aunt Phyllis
What perfect, beautiful babies! Can't wait to meet them!
Take good care of yourself and the little ones!
Love, Lauren
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