We are overjoyed at finding out today at our first ultrasound that both of our embryos are now little babies with heartbeats:)

(I know it's hard to tell what you're looking at but the two large circles have tiny babies in them)
I had no idea what to expect today. Different people had asked me in the past couple weeks if I thought I would have one or two. I honestly couldn't think that far ahead. I didn't feel strongly either way. I guess it's hard to really wrap your head around this whole concept of everything we've gone through so far. So when the ultrasound came up and our doctor immediately said "I see two somethings...and there are their heartbeats" it took my breath away. I remember being in a room just like that four years ago, having the same ultrasound and they couldn't find anything on the screen. What an empty feeling. Today, we were so blessed that we couldn't even contain it!
Onto the official "medical stuff". We have another ultrasound scheduled in two weeks where we will check in on our babies one more time before being released to my obgyn. There is a 40% chance that on our next ultrasound, we might only see one baby. There is something called the "vanishing twin". Alot of times women are pregnant with twins but one stops developing and reabsorbs back into the uterus. This happens so early that you might never even know it. You don't go through a miscarriage so there are no signs of it even happening. Since we had our first ultrasound so early, there is a chance that could happen.
We believe that we were blessed with twins and we saw two tiny heartbeats today and we will see them again in two weeks. We prayed today that if it be God's will for us to have these twins that He would allow for us to see two healthy babies on that screen next time. We ask that you would all pray that in agreement with us.
I just remembered something today that I hadn't thought about in a really long time. In 2004, when we first decided that we would try to start a family, we went to the store and made our first baby purchase. This is what we brought home.

Coincidence? I think not!
God has given me the greatest gift this week. He made me a Mom. I have dreaded Mother's day for many years and I couldn't be more excited about this coming Sunday. At our church, they always have all the mother's stand to be recognized. You better believe that I will be the first one up, with a tear stained face, thanking God for making this dream come true.
I am so excited for you guys! Know that you are in our thoughts in prayers each and everyday!
Deanna Baisch Becker
My face is a little tear stained now. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!
Double Blessing for two wonderful people. Love Aunt Phyllis
Congratulations! I am so happy for you guys. What an incredible blessing! My prayers are always with you.
Charlie and I are overjoyed to hear your good news. God is good!!
That's AWESOME!!! Congratulations!!! We will continue to keep the FOUR of you in our prayers.
Nikki & Josh
P.S. I just wanted to let you know that I tear up almost everytime I read your posts & this one was the worst, LOL! I was in the breakroom here at work & had to wipe away tears...
Girl I'm so flippin' excited for you guys right now. You know that 7 is the year of completion??? I believe that GOD had a plan all along for you guys and he is just now letting you in on it. So... he should be done in about January. Happy Mother's Day!!!! Muuahhh! Shannon
Congratulations to both of you. We are all so very happy and excited for not just you, but for all of your family. You will be wonderful parents. It's going to be a fun 7 months! Love, Mom
Josh remembers you saying in high school that someday you were going to have twins & wanted to know if you remembered that?
You absolutely made me cry first thing this morning! I am BEYOND over joyed for you and Steve and we cannot wait to welcome these TWO little lives into the family! Babies, babies, babies -- everywhere! :)
Love, Lauren
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