I went to the clinic today to have an ultrasound and some bloodwork.
My doctor had to do a retrieval when I got there so I got to see his partner instead. Sheri made the trip with me so she got to sit in on the ultrasound and see our little "eggies". He showed us where my eggs were positioned, waiting to be released, and he checked out my uterus to make sure everything looked ok. I got a good report!
I take my last Lupron shot tonight and I start my new shot, Follistim, tomorrow. The Follistim is going to stimulate the eggs now that they are all lined up at the same time. I will take this shot for 8-10 days and then we'll be ready for retrieval. I asked the doctor if he will be able to give me an exact day for retrieval and he said HA!. Evidently that is a last minute decision so we'll have to wait on that one.
I am supposed to take the determined dosage of Follistim through this Sunday and Monday go get blood drawn again to determine a new dosage. I will take that through the end of next week and then I have to go back to the clinic for bloodwork and another ultrasound maybe Thursday or Friday.
So we're in the home stretch! We should have the retrieval in less than two weeks! I'm getting pretty anxious now. I'm ready to be done with shots!!!
By the way, at the clinic they have a "wall of fame" where there are pictures of all their "miracles". My doctor told Sheri that there was plenty of room for a picture of her new grandbaby.........aaaaahhhh...
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