I did have a volunteer shooter on Saturday, but our schedule got too hectic and we couldn't get together. I'm so sorry Nikki!
Starting Friday, I've become a little run down. During the day I could feel myself slowing down, just feeling like I had little energy. Friday night I started developing this bloating and burning feeling in my lower abdomen (it's definitely not from crunches!) and it hasn't gone away. These are all effects of the final shots. My dosage did go down after my appointment last week but I'm sure this is how it should feel at this stage. It's like I can feel all 15 of my eggs floating around, pushing at my stomach waiting to come out! Just hang on babies one more day...
I'm just a little uncomfortable right now but I can't complain. I have had ZERO side effects this entire time. Just one more way that God's hand is in this.
I would especially appreciate everyones prayers for us on Tuesday morning. I would like prayers for our doctors and nurses that our procedure will be routine for them and will go smoothly. Prayers for Steve and I that we will have such a peace on this day, knowing that this might not be the "traditional" way for a family to begin, but that it is our way. Prayers for my Mom, she is accompanying us for backup, that she too will have peace on this day and Prayers for our parents at home who won't be with us.
I have to take a Valium about 30 minutes before we arrive at the clinic which will be 7:15am. I am only to assume that I will be good for nothing after I take this. I am very sensitive to medication and it doesn't take much for it to have an effect on me. I can picture myself now stumbling into the clinic.....I hope I won't have to fill out any paperwork:)
About 8:00 is when my retrieval will begin. I will have an IV with a mild anesthetic for the procedure. I have only had anesthesia one other time when I had my wisdom teeth removed. The oral surgeon told me that people react different ways to the medicine. I remember waking up in the middle of my surgery screaming and kicking my legs and a nurse had to sit on me to keep me still. NICE. Fortunately, this procedure will only last 15 minutes so surely I can hold it together for that long!
I will then have to stay in recovery for about an hour before they will release us. I have to come home and stay on bed rest the remainder of the day. What a shame....
Tonight will be my last shot and I have decided to do this one myself. This shot is to finally release my eggs so I only felt it appropriate for me to be the one to let them go. I have had to let go so much of myself in order to do this and, no matter what the outcome, I don't regret any moment of it. There is no price I wouldn't pay. We grew this child in our hearts long before it will ever grow in my body.
And I know that God doesn't always get the Glory if it's easy.