Well I planned on posting today about how we ordered our medicine yesterday and mailed in our check today and that we were officially on a roll.
God had a different plan.
I had written on my calendar that I needed to send off for my medicine on Thursday this week. Thursday was also my busiest day of work and I had to attend my grandparents 60th anniversary party that evening. I had only about 20 minutes to get home, get my things together, take care of Elly and get out the door to head to the party. I had intended on grabbing the pharmacy phone number and calling them on the way. I walked out the door with everything but the phone number.
As some of you saw last night, I was a little upset with myself because I had a plan and I didn't follow through with it. Boy am I glad I didn't...
This morning when I called the pharmacy, the lady kept asking me if I was sure that I didn't have insurance coverage for fertility medication. I told her that we had checked several months ago and we did not. She said I should check again and then I had to call her back anyway because I didn't know the exact amount in my flex spending account that I was going to give her for payment. I pulled up our benefit account online and what do you think I saw? Right there under the coverage benefits for "Family Planning" was IN VITRO!!!!
I immediately called my insurance company and verified what I saw was correct and then called the clinic to verify with them. Not only was I covered but our clinic is "in network" so we can continue to work with them!
Praise the Lord!!!Unfortunately, we didn't get to find this out a few weeks ago so now we have to stop this cycle to get the appropriate paperwork from the insurance company. The only thing that we do have to wait and see on is if I have filled the criteria for having exhausted all other resources before considering in vitro. The clinic assured me that I have, but ultimately it is up to the doctor on staff with the insurance company.
Please Pray, Pray, Pray that there will be no hold up with this paperwork and that on my next cycle we will be able to start over with a clean slate. This would truly be a blessing to us. I have long been frustrated with insurance companies for saying that fertility is something elective, not a medical condition. Can you believe someone would say that to a woman?
I know that all of you have invested so much time and support into this with us already and you will never know how grateful we are. Please bear with us just a little while longer. I will still post every week as I wait to hear the good news that we are a "go". Hopefully with the timing of everything, this will only be a couple week set back and then we'll be back on track.
Thank you Lord for taking control of this time in mine & Steve's lives and sending us such an abundance of blessings! Jesus, take the wheel, I'm letting go....